Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of homes do you build?

We specialize in single-family home construction with an emphasis on custom homes and spec home building.

    How many floor plans do you have?

    Currently, we have 21 floor plans available for you to choose when building your home. Click below to see the full list of our floor plans.

    Do you allow customization and do you charge for doing so?

    Absolutely! We offer complete customization of our floor plans to best fit the needs of your lifestyle. We do not charge an additional fee to customize.

      Where do you build?

      While the majority of our communities are primarily in Johnson County, Kansas, we're available to build in most neighborhoods around the Kansas City metro area. Please Contact Us to confirm the specifics of your new construction to get started.

        What do I need to get started?

        Sales contract, pre-approval letter, 5% earnest money deposit, floor plan, and pricing configured, and neighborhood and/or lot.

          What makes you different from other builders?

          At Roeser Homes, we believe you should have all of the information available to you in order to make an informed decision. Building or buying a new home can be a big decision and we want you to feel comfortable in the process. We also offer several features as standard within our homes that others may charge for. Click below to see our full list of what sets us apart from other builders. 

          How long does it take to build?

          Build times can vary depending on several factors, including weather, terrain, and other influential components. A typical timeframe for new home construction can take anywhere from 9 months up to over a year.

            Can I visit the home during construction?

            We'll schedule various meetings with you throughout the process, so you'll see your home at multiple stages of construction. You're welcome to visit your home throughout the building process, as long as all safety precautions are taken at all times. Stay clear of any large, heavy machinery that may be working on your lot and be careful not to walk in areas that appear unfinished or unstable.

              What are site cost and how much should I expect to pay?

              Site costs are additional costs that depend entirely on the specific lot and construction of the home. Various environmental factors can determine how much may be needed. Some examples include piering, foundation modifications, tree removal, additional grading material, and more. See our Site Costs Guide for more information.

              How does the closing process work?

              On the day of closing, you'll schedule to meet with your lender or our title company. Be sure to have a cashiers check or initiate an electronic wire prior to this meeting. Allow for at least an hour to sign all necessary paperwork and at least two hours for the funds to transfer. Plan to schedule a time in the morning, preferably Monday through Thursday, to close. You may not be guaranteed to move on closing day, so be sure to plan movers accordingly.

                Will you build on a lot I already own?

                We're available in most areas of the Kansas City metro area, however please Contact Us to confirm whether or not we can build in your specified area.

                    Closing Frequently Asked Questions

                    When do I get the keys?

                    Once you close and the loan funds, your Construction Manager will meet you at the house and give you your keys. Your garage door remotes and other important information will be located in a Roeser Homes box in the kitchen drawer.

                      How does my warranty work?

                      In order for you to get fully acquainted with your new home, we will be completing a New Home Orientation. 5-7 days prior to closing, our Roeser Homes Warranty Manager will contact you to schedule an in-home appointment to meet with you and complete the walkthrough. The purpose of this meeting is to show you the different functions and how to operate all the components of your new home. In addition, we will share preventive maintenance tips to help ensure the longevity of your homes’ systems.

                      This meeting is an important transition to you as the new homeowner and will take approximately 3 hours to complete. The meeting will start in the basement, working through the entire interior of the house, and, weather permitting, will finish with a walk around the outside perimeter of the home. We will finish with how to submit your 60-day and 11-month warranties.

                      You will have the opportunity to submit all warranty claims at 60-days and 11-months after your close date. All warranty claims need to be submitted through your Buildertrend portal. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your Buildertrend login, please let us know.

                        When is the walkthrough?

                        The New Home Orientation Walkthrough meeting will be with our Warranty Manager approximately 5-7 days prior to your close date. This is a great time to address items that may not have been corrected up to this point and any other items you may have questions about. We will also take time to fill out the final punch list and assess the quality of your home and its components.

                          When do I get the final price of our house?

                          Thirty days prior to close, builder representatives will walk through the home with your Construction Manager to make sure everything is accounted for. They will use both the original Home Price Breakdown and Change Log as a basis of comparison. Anything that is missing from these will be added to the price and anything that was charged in error will be credited back. All allowances will be balanced and once the final Change Log is complete, the builder will send the final Change Log to you for final approval. Once this is approved by you, a final pricing amendment will be drawn up so that you can send that to your lender along with your final Change Log and Home Price Breakdown so that an appraisal can be ordered.

                            When can the lender do the appraisal?

                            Your lender will start asking about this 75-90 days prior to your original contracted closing date-- they don't need that much time, generally speaking. Thirty days prior to close representatives of Roeser Homes will do a final Change Log walkthrough to shore up any allowances and make credits and additions as needed. After the final Change Log walkthrough, a final Change Log will be sent to you for approval at which time a final pricing amendment will be drawn up and signed by both parties. Once that is completed, you can send that amendment, the final Change Log and Home Price Breakdown to your lender so that they may order the appraisal.

                              When can I move into my house?

                              You can start moving into your new home once the loan funds. This is different than closing. It usually takes about 2 hours after closing for the loan to fund but if something were to go awry with your lender, then that would have to be remedied before you can move in. This is why we always recommend you NOT schedule your movers for the day of close. Generally speaking, most loans fund the same day as the closing but this is not guaranteed. Because of this remote possibility, it is recommended you do not close on a Friday because if the loan doesn’t fund, then the earliest you can move in would be Monday.

                                Where are all of the manuals to the house?

                                Throughout the build, your Construction Manager will wrangle any booklets, pamphlets, manuals, etc and then we will place them in a Roeser Homes branded box that will be placed either in your pantry or in a drawer for easy access in the future.

                                NOTE: Most of these items can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website should any of these manuals get damaged or misplaced.

                                  Rate lock, when?

                                  Most lenders offer a “free” rate lock period. It varies from lender to lender so please consult with them on timing and cost. Your close date is a moving target so as we near the end of the build(about 90 days out) your Construction Manager will work on scheduling out the remainder of the build and let you know a close date. This usually takes place shortly after drywall finishes. At this point, we are much more in control of the build so the closing date is much more certainty so that would be the best time to“lock” your rate. NOTE: Closing dates are not guaranteed so leave yourself with some flexibility on this in case something comes up and the close date needs to be moved.

                                    How does escrow work, how much?

                                    In the event, there are incomplete items like sod, landscape, irrigation, gutters, etc we will get what is called a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). Most lenders will allow you to move into your home with incomplete items so long as there is money set aside for these items in escrow, however not all lenders may offer this flexibility. It is highly recommended you take this into consideration when selecting a lender and you have a clear understanding of what they will and won’t allow escrow for. This is especially important during the winter months and periods of heavy rain where installing exterior items becomes difficult.

                                    We will account for whatever items are remaining and submit a letter to your lender outlining what these items are. With houses closing year-round, things like sod and landscape may not be available to install prior to your close date. If this occurs, your lender will hold back that amount plus a premium of 50%. For instance, if your irrigation systems ($4,000), landscaping ($3,000) & sod ($3,000) will not be completed by the time of close, we will let your lender know and they will hold back at least that amount ($10,000) and in some cases, 150% of that value ($15,000) until those items are completed. We will then work to get those items installed and then once completed, your lender will reach out to you for confirmation and only once you have confirmed these items are completed, your lender will dispense those funds to the builder.

                                      Title Company Information

                                      We close at Security First Title with Kim Underwood. If you would like to close elsewhere, this is fine but there is $200 fee to do so. Worth noting as well, if you close at the same company as the builder, the loan generally funds faster allowing move-in to take place sooner.

                                        When is sod and landscape going in?

                                        Towards the end of the build, we will work towards getting these items installed but in the event they cannot be completed, we will provide an estimated timeline for completion and the remaining items will be escrowed. 

                                          When can cable providers come out?

                                          Utility providers can enter and exit the home as needed but you will want to confirm with your Construction Manager to ensure all items (such as low voltage) are going to be installed prior to the cable provider coming out. Roeser Homes will not pay any trip fees or cancellation fees from cable providers as a result of their inability to be able to complete the install. Your best bet is to wait for your close date to have cable/internet service started.

                                            Scheduling do's and don't's.

                                            Closing dates are not guaranteed so leave yourself with some flexibility in case something comes up and the close date needs to be moved.

                                            Wait until closing day to schedule cable and internet installations.

                                            Do NOT schedule your movers for the same day as close in the event something goes awry with funding.

                                            Do NOT lock your loan’s interest rate before consulting with your Construction Manager about a close date.

                                            It is recommended you do NOT close on a Friday because if the loan doesn’t fund, then the earliest you can move in would be Monday.